Updating the ICP Election Procedures for 2023 (ICP Board Resolution No 2023-002)

WHEREAS, the Integrated Chemists of the Philippines (ICP) is the Accredited Integrated Professional Organization duly accredited by the Professional Regulatory Commission to represent the Chemistry profession; 

WHEREAS, Sec. 4, Paragraph (h) of Republic Act No. 10657 otherwise known as the Chemistry Profession Act of 2015 states that the professional practice of chemistry covers the performance of the following and similar activities, such as consultation, investigation, or research concerning physico-chemical or biochemical matters which involve public interest, public safety, laws or regulations; 

WHEREAS, the activities under the term of office of three members of the ICP Board of Directors expires on 30 June 2023; 

WHEREAS, the following members of the ICP Board of Directors have terms which will expire on 30 June 2023: 

End Term Academe GovernmentIndustry
2023 Dr. Glenn V. Alea* Mr. Angelo S. Bugarin* Ms. Priscilla Alice L. Samonte* 
2024 Dr. Lilibeth dlC. Coo Mr. Admer Rey C. Dablio Mr. Mark L. Grageda 
2022 Dr. Fabian M. Dayrit Dr. Carmela Q. Capule Atty. Ma. Cristina L. Moratalla, RCh, JD 
* Terms to expire on 30 June 2023. 

WHEREAS, three (3) board members — one representative each from the industry, government and academe — are to be elected. Only active REGULAR members of the ICP (chemists) may nominate and be nominated; 

WHEREAS, the elected members of the board are expected to regularly attend the meetings of the ICP and actively participate in activities geared towards achieving the objectives of the ICP as follows: 

  1. Support the implementation of the Chemistry Profession Act and the Code of Ethics for chemists and safeguard the professional interests of the registered chemists; 
  2. Make the chemistry professionals (both chemists and chemical technicians) conscious of their serious responsibilities in helping the country develop; 
  3. Provide a forum to exchange ideas on the chemistry profession; 
  4. Cultivate discipline among the members, develop the spirit of camaraderie, and maintain occupational standards; 
  5. Encourage and foster chemical education; and 
  6. Develop a continuing program of activities leading towards upgrading of standards, such as accreditation of laboratories and professional competencies. 

WHEREAS, in view of the upcoming 37th Philippine Chemistry Congress which is organized by the ICP, the terms of members of the ICP Board of Directors which will expire by 30 June 2023 is extended until 31 July 2023; 

WHEREAS, the ICP shall adopt the following election timeline: 

Dates Activities
01 June 2023 Announcement of the Call for Nominations to the ICP Board of Directors 
15-30 June 2023 Nomination Period; Screening of nominations 
01 July 2023 Announcement of official candidates to the ICP Election 2023 
01-13 July 2023 Posting of Commitment Statements (AVPs) of the election official candidates 
14-28 July 2023 Election Period 
28 July 2023, 12 noon Closing of the election 
31 July 2023 Announcement of Election Winners: New members of the ICP Board of Directors 

WHEREAS, the ICP shall adopt the following election guidelines, to wit: 

  1. Only REGULAR members of the ICP in good standing can be nominated, submit a nomination, and vote. Self-nomination will NOT be accepted. The ICP Membership Committee shall confirm the status of nominators, nominees, and voters; 
  2. Incumbent officers of any ICP Chapter or Cluster CANNOT be nominated; 
  3. The ICP Election Committee will contact the nominee through the email address provided by the nominator; 
  4. To be an Official Candidate, the nominee must accept the nomination by email on or before the deadline set by the Committee, with official endorsement from immediate supervisor or head of agency/company/laboratory to which the nominee is affiliated. The nominee must submit his/her CV using the ICP COMELEC prescribed format; 
  5. The nomination period is from 15 to 30 June 2023. Nomination is submitted online through a Google Form, which should be accomplished by 12 noon of 30 June; 
  6. The official list of nominees will be posted on the ICP website (https://www.icp.org.ph/) by 01 July 2023; 
  7. The election period will be from 14 to 28 July 2023. Each official candidate will be given a chance to present themselves to the ICP voters through posting of commitment videos on the ICP website and social media account on 01-13 July 2023. The official close of the election will be on the closing ceremony of the 37th Philippine Chemistry Congress, 28 July 2023, 12 noon. Results will be announced on 31 July 2023; 
  8. The winning candidate from each sector will hold office for a term of 3 years (2023 to 2026); 
  9. The ICP Elections Committee (ICP COMELEC) for 2023 is composed of the following: Dr. Lilibeth dlC. Coo (Chairperson), Mr. Mark L. Grageda, and Mr. Admer Rey C. Dablio (Members). 



Vice President for External Affairs

Vice President for Internal Affairs

Board Secretary

Board Treasurer

Board Auditor

Board Public Information Officer

Board Member

Board Member

Qualified Licensed Chemists may apply for Professional License as Food Technologists

In June 2022, the licensing of food technology professionals through the Registration without Examination scheme was opened by the Professional Regulation Commission by virtue of RA 11052 “Food Technology Act” and its IRR. This registration is offered to professionals who are graduates of BS Food Technology and selected allied courses including BS Chemistry, and will be implemented until June 2024.

In recognition of the Filipino Chemists who have been valuable contributors in the food sector, the Philippine Association of Food Technologists, Inc. (PAFT), the accredited professional organization for Food Technology, is pleased to invite all qualified ICP members to apply for their professional license as food technologists. Please refer to attached files for your application.

The qualifications for application for Food Technology are a Chemistry license and a BS Chemistry degree. For inquiries, please contact the PAFT Secretariat: paft.secretariat720@gmail.com


1 Code of Professional Conduct for Professional Food Technologists, Resol 2022-01.pdf

2 Guidelines on the Registration without Examination of Professional Food Technologists, Resol 2022-02.pdf

3 Annex A Application Form without Exam (food tech).pdf

4 Annex B Self-Declaration Reg without Exam (food tech).pdf

5 Annex C Letter of Disapproval Reg without Exam (food tech).pdf

6 Annex D Letter to Comply Reg without Exam (food tech).pdf

7 Certificate-of-experience.pdf

Amending Joint Resolution No. 02 (S. 2020) on the Authority to Sign Analysis Certification of Pharmaceutical Products and their Raw Materials, Food/Dietary Supplements, Health Supplements and Cosmetics

The Professional Regulatory Boards of Chemistry and Pharmacy have released a joint resolution on 2020 on the authority to sign analysis certification of pharmaceutical products and their raw materials, food or dietary supplements, health supplements, and cosmetics.

This joint resolution permits registered chemists and registered pharmacists to validly sign certificates of analysis of the aforementioned products before being allowed for public use or consumption.

This joint resolution was amended on 21st of June 2022. The amended resolution states that: “Chemists and pharmacists can validly sign analysis certification of pharmaceutical products and their raw materials, food/dietary supplements, health supplements and cosmetics before the same is released for public use or consumption. Thus, for those outside the production process, such as analysis of a product already in the market, other than that of the product’s Marketing Authorization Holder and those performed in an FDA-licensed pharmaceutical establishment, for authenticity/contamination tests or other purposes, certification of the analysis shall be done by a chemist.”

Read the Joint Resolution here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oD9fHyxACJTx2A6YOD6EBdC6yeaufNPa/view?fbclid=IwAR1XJqWGeFPdla_BXkHWHb17t8oSRrMDjuQO7OheEuTghwu6QsYERvkhRt0

Report Individuals, Groups, Companies That Avoid Complying with the Chemistry Profession Act

The Professional Regulatory Board of Chemistry (BOC) has recently opened a means for the public to report individuals, groups, or companies that continuously violate and purposely avoid complying with the Chemistry Profession Act.

Examples of such violations include, but are not limited to, the following: absence of or expired Certificate of Authority to Operate a chemical laboratory, non-hiring of registered chemistry professionals, non-issuance of hazard pay to its registered chemistry professionals, and others.

The public is hereby advised to send a report (together with sufficient evidence) to the following email addresses: prbsec.chemistry1@gmail.com or prb_chemistry@prc.gov.ph. For any legal actions to proceed, it is crucial that the informant disclose his/her identity when submitting a report. Rest assured that the BOC will never reveal the informant’s identity.

Statement on the Board of Chemistry’s Issuance of Notices of Violation to Non-Complying Chemical Laboratories

6 NOVEMBER 2020 — The Integrated Chemists of the Philippines would like to inform the public that the Professional Regulatory Board of Chemistry (PRBOC) of the Professional Regulation Commission is stepping up its efforts to carry out its mandate to implement the Chemistry Profession Act (Republic Act No. 10657), in particular with respect to chemical laboratories, which states:

Section 39. Penal Clause for Chemical Laboratories and Related Firms. – No chemical laboratory or firm shall undertake activities covered by this Act without a valid authority to operate the same. The president or the highest ranking officer of the corporation shall be held liable for violations of this Act. Upon conviction, these persons shall be sentenced to a penalty of imprisonment for a period of not less than one (1) month but not more than one (1) year, or a fine of not less than one hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) but not more than one million pesos (P1,000,000.00), or both, at the discretion of the court.

The PRBOC has started issuing notices of violation to chemical laboratories, which to date, more than 2 years after the end of the grace period provided by law (i.e., in 2018), have not yet applied for their certificate of authority to operate (CATO), and yet continue their operations.

Notices of denial of application are likewise being issued to chemical laboratories that continue their operations without a CATO. These are chemical laboratories which have applied for a CATO and have been inspected by the PRBOC but have not fully corrected their non-compliances more than a year after their agreed compliance dates.

Non-compliant laboratories are given 30 days to explain why they should not be cited for violation of Section 39 of RA No. 10657. Failure to respond will be deemed a waiver and the Board shall be constrained to take legal action against these chemical laboratories on the basis of available records. We encourage all affected laboratories to comply with the PRBOC directive.

Thank you.