Philippine Representative Participates in Drafting Global Chemists’ Code of Ethics

Dr. Patrick John Lim (top row, second from left) with other chemistry experts from around the world, including Institut Kimia Malaysia president Dr. Ong Eng Long (bottom row, sixth from right) and American Chemistry Society president-elect Dr. Allison Campbell (bottom row, seventh from left), during the drafting of the Global Chemists’ Code of Ethics in Malaysia. (Photo: Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mohd. Jamil Maah)

Thirty-five chemistry experts from 18 countries drafted the Global Chemists’ Code of Ethics (GCCE) on April 4–6, 2016 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Chemistry professionals from 18 countries, including American Chemical Society president-elect Dr. Allison Campbell, were joined by host Institut Kimia Malaysia president Dr. Ong Eng Long, during the final day of the workshop that led to the Global Chemists’ Code of Ethics.

The workshop that led to the GCCE draft was organized by the American Chemical Society Office of International Activities with support from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and hosted by Institut Kimia Malaysia. Logistical sponsorship for the workshop was provided by the U.S. Department of State Chemical Security Program.

Six categories are covered by the GCCE, namely research, scientific writing and publishing, environment, safety, security, and making positive change happen. In addition to the GCCE draft, executive summaries were prepared for policy makers, industry professionals and academia. Educational materials are also available for institutions and organizations to conduct their own workshops to develop, review, or revise their existing codes of ethics and conduct as appropriate.

The GCCE covers the key elements of The Hague Ethical Guidelines which was published in December 2015 by the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons after the 20th Session of the Conference of State Parties acknowledged these guidelines.

Sole Philippine representative Dr. Patrick John Y. Lim participated in the GCCE workshop and also in the drafting of The Hague Ethical Guidelines. Dr. Lim, who is a professor of chemistry at the University of San Carlos in Cebu City, is the chapter president of Integrated Chemists of the Philippines-Cebu Chapter and is a board member of the Kapisanang Kimika ng Pilipinas.

Outstanding Chemist for 2008 is Newest Member of Board of Chemistry

Tess Cayton, Outstanding Chemist, Board of ChemistryThe much awaited search for the third member of the PRC Board for Chemistry is over , with the swearing to office by PRC Chairman Honorable Atty Teofilo S Pilando Jr last March 10, 2016 of Ma Theresa Carandang Cayton, a BS Chemistry 1975 graduate, Magna cum Laude, from the University of Santo Tomas, and MS Soil Science 1983 graduate from the University of the Philippines in Los Banos. She is married to Ret Gen Emmanuel S Cayton with three children Genevieve de Jesus (UPLB DevCom graduate, married to Denis de Jesus UPLB Agric Eng), 1Lt Joseph Thomas Cayton, Phil Air Force (PMA 2012 graduate married to Argelan Del Moral UPLB CEM) ) Emmanuel Cayton Jr ( Univ of the Cordilleras Criminology) and two grandkids 5 yr old Marcela Vienne Cadence de Jesus and 2 yr old Manolo Augusto Victor de Jesus.

Tess brings to her new assignment more than 36 years experience as a chemist- 16 yrs in research ( 1 year at the Food and Nutrition Research Institute, 15 years on problem soils and rice research at the International Rice Institute), 17 years in the manufacturing industry (with Bayer CropScience in quality assurance, production and over all plant management), and 4 years in environment consultancy.


At Bayer CropScience as Plant and Public Affairs Manager ( the first female in this post in Bayer plants worldwide), she headed the largest and most awarded crop protection manufacturing facility in the country which was at the forefront of environment activities in the area in the watershed of Laguna de Bay. Here, aside from ensuring high quality products, she dealt with toxic and hazardous wastes handling from the plant s pesticide manufacturing activities, employing cleaner production and plant safety techniques. She was also the company’s Pollution Control Officer- ensuring compliance of the company to environmental laws and regulations. This involved dealing with the LGU, communities, NGOs and other stakeholders regarding environment issues and concerns, even dealing with communities on river and lake rehabilitation and youth environment training. It was while in Bayer that she started work on environment management systems , and greening the supply chain which she carried on after retirement in environment consultancy projects.

She retired from Bayer in mid 2007 in order to have more time for family as her husband just retired from the military and their son was about to enter the Philippine Military Academy in Baguio. From 2007 she was partly engaged with the Asia Pacific Roundtable for Sustainable Consumption and Production on greening the supply chains of companies, then with the Facilitators for Development, on community based environment projects. She also trained under a scholarship from the German Environment Bureau at the Renewables Academy in Berlin on energy efficiency and wind and solar energy. From 2008 t0 2010 she shuttled weekly from Manila to Baguio where his husband took a job as Security Director to be close to their son in PMA.

In 2011 she refrained from taking consultancy offers in order to assist her husband in his new job in Makati and to help take care of their first grandchild. It was more time to smell the flowers, go to the dance aero zumba gym, and be full time domestic helper and assistant yaya when not busy with errands for her husband. The last five happy “retired” years with her husband’s full support and her children s presence were indeed very memorable and enjoyable.

Looking back, among her treasured awards are:
PCAPI Top Ten Pollution Control Officers of the Philippines, 1999 and 2004
PCAPI Mother Nature award for Bayer in 2004
KKPLB Outstanding Achievement Award in Industry 1998
ICP Outstanding Women Chemists of the Philippines 2011
PRC 2008 Professional of the Year Award in the Field of Chemistry

Truly blest by God to have been given the chance to enjoy family, especially two grandkids and early retirement for the last 5 years, Tess thinks it must be time to take up the work mode again and give back to the profession which has nurtured and served her and her family so well. She hopes that working hand in hand with ICP and other chemistry organizations, the 36 years experience as a chemist will help her improve the practice of the profession , and improve the professional standing of chemists in our country. Armed with the new Chemistry law and its IRR she hopes to be of service, with the guidance of fellow chemist leaders and God s help. When she raised her hand in oath before the PRC Chairman last March 10, she remembered the time she first raised her hand at the chemists oathtaking ceremony in 1975 – it was as if a circle has closed and that was where God has always planned and wanted her to be.

ICP Conducts Inter-Agency Seminar on Philippine Chemical Regulations

Text and photographs by Priscilla Alice Samonte

The Integrated Chemists of the Philippines (ICP) had conducted the first inter-regulatory seminar in 2013 much to the appreciation of the industry, the academe, and the regulators themselves who were able to disseminate information regarding the mandates of their respective agencies.

ICP President Dr. Fabian Dayrit opens the two-day inter-regulatory seminar

The regulations, since then, have evolved and on February 16-17, 2016 in celebration of Chemistry Week in our country, the ICP successfully conducted one of the much-awaited and a very relevant seminar entitled – Updates on Philippine Chemical Regulations 2016: An Inter-Regulatory Agency Overview. Speakers from the PRC Board of Chemistry, DENR, PDEA, PNP, DOLE-OSHC, and BOC all came together and provided an overview of their regulatory mandates on chemicals in the Philippines.

The Board of Chemistry Chair, Dr. Dory Resurreccion provided an update on the IRR of the revised Chemistry Law RA 10657, especially on the rules and regulations governing the inspection, appraisal, and licensing of chemical laboratories. She also emphasized the scope of work of chemists and chemical technicians in relation to the other allied courses. “Chemistry is vital to public safety, the national economy and the protection of the environment. It is, therefore, the policy of the State to promote, regulate and protect the professional practice of Chemistry and to ensure the continued development and high international standards of the practice of Chemistry in the Philippines.” Several questions were raised and with the ICP Board, the issues were clarified and recommendations were taken into consideration to be reviewed during the crafting of the board resolutions for the said law.

PDEA Director Helen Maita Reyes (second from right) with ICP board directors Dr. Glenn Alea, Ms. Priscilla Alice Samonte, and Ms. Edna Mijares

The very vibrant Director of the Compliance Service of PDEA, Director Helen Maita Reyes, provided a detailed and very dynamic presentation on the Regulatory Control of the Licit Use of Dangerous Drugs and Controlled Precursors and Essential Chemicals Substances. She also presented updated Board Regulation No. 1 Series of 2014: Comprehensive Amendments to Board Regulation No. 3 Series 2003, “Comprehensive Guidelines on Importation, Distribution, Manufacture, Prescription, Dispensing and Sale of, and Other Lawful Acts in Connection with Any Dangerous Drugs, Controlled Precursors and Essential Chemicals and Other Similar or Analogous Substances” identifying the new exemptions and simplifications to the registration process. Indeed, PDEA’s efforts in streamlining their registration procedure had been lauded by all the participants.

Mr. Renato Cruz of DENR-EMB with ICP board directors Ms. Priscilla Alice Samonte and Ms. Edna Mijares

Mr, Renato Cruz, Chief of the Environmental Quality Division of DENR Environment Management Bureau gave a very promising presentation on the online registration to facilitate the mandate of RA 6969, Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Waste Control Act of 1990. He also provided an overview on the rules and procedures for the implementation of the globally harmonized system (GHS) of classification and labelling of chemicals in preparation of safety data sheets (SDS) and labelling requirements of toxic chemical substances. The audience were treated on the basic requirements for GHS applications. Finally, Mr. Cruz, also tackled the revisions in the management of hazardous wastes under DAO 2013-22 Revised Procedures and Standards for the Management of Hazardous. He discussed the new haz waste codes and the role of waste generators in the handling of toxic chemicals from CRADLE to GRAVE.

It was unfortunate, that a representative from the PNP-FEO was not present during the seminar, nevertheless, Dr. Fabian Dayrit, lead of the Technical Working Group for the review of the PNP list of regulated chemicals enlightened the audience on the updates of the formation of the IRR for the Rules and Regulations for the Control and Supervision of Importation, Sale and Possession of Chemicals Used as Ingredients in the Manufacture of Explosives and for other purposes (RA 8294, EO 552) focusing on the categorization matrix duly established by the technical experts in collaboration with the PNP-FEO. Although not all concerns could be addressed during the forum, the ICP committed to have the concerns of the institutions brought to PNP attention by March 7, 2016 – a move, valued by the participants who, in the majority have been significantly affected by the said regulations.

Ms. Rosalie Fajilan, Senior Hygienist of DOLE-OSHC presented the DOLE Department Order 136-14 Guidelines for the Implementation of GHS in Chemical safety program in the Workplace, which clarified on the use of GHS and how it should be implemented in the different institutions. Ms. Fajilan delved into the guidelines to ensure not only compliance to the law but also implementing safety protocols in the workplace.

Dr. Jesus Llorando of the BOC with ICP board directors Dr. Fabian Dayrit and Ms. Edna Mijares

Dr. Jesus Garcia Llorando, a well-respected speaker and expert BOC Customs examiner gave the audience the basics behind the implementation of the Importation Regulations. His presentation was well received especially his candid and straightforward responses to each of the questions given by the audience.

Lastly, Mr. Jonathan Chong of Du Pont Far East, Inc. shared industry best practices on regulatory compliance and provided the audience the basic in implementing Product Stewardship highlighting sustainability since Product Stewardship is a principle directing all those involved in the life cycle of a product to take shared responsibility for reducing the health and environmental impacts that result from the production, use and end-of-life management of the product.

At the end of the day, more than 200 participants from government, academe, and industry took away much needed information on the different regulatory agency requirements as well as the three basic rules in regulatory compliance – collaboration, cooperation, and courtesy.


List of uploaded presentations:
BOC Presentation (pdf / 5.5 MB)
GHS-DAO Presentation (pdf / 3.8 MB)
GHS-DOLE Presentation (pdf / 15 MB)
PDEA Presentation (pdf / 6.7 MB)
Categorization of PNP Controlled Chemicals (pdf / 720 kB)

Outstanding Chemist for 2016: Call for Nominations

Every year, the Professional Regulation Commission honors the outstanding professional from each profession during the PRC Week which is held every June. We would like to invite ICP members to nominate individuals for the honor of Outstanding Chemist for 2016.

The criteria for selection include the following:
1. Professional Competence and Integrity in the exercise of the Chemistry profession
2. Meaningful participation in professional activities through the professional organization
3. Significant contributions to the advancement of the Chemistry profession
4. Evidence of social responsibility through meaningful social activities

The Outstanding Chemist can come from government, industry or academe. The evidence for outstanding performance will depend on the sector where the nominee comes from.

Through the years, we have honored outstanding Chemistry professionals, such as the following:
Dr. Benigno Peczon, Dr. William G. Padolina, Dr. Ester A. Garcia, Dr. Modesto T. Chua, Dr. Fortunato Sevilla III, Dr. Elma C. Llaguno, Ms. Ella Deocadiz, Dr. Aida Aguinaldo, Dr. Alumanda dela Rosa, Dr. Trinidad Trinidad, Dr. Ernesto del Rosario, Gen. Lina Sarmiento, Mr. Fred Reyes, Ms. Teresita Cayton, Dr. Nemesio Montaño, Dr. Amelia Guevara and Dr. Florentino Sumera.

The nominees have to be evaluated and endorsed by ICP. The deadline for submission by the nomination committee to PRC is March 31, 2016.

For more information, please send us an email at

Design The Chemists’ Seal!: Registered Chemist Official Seal Design Competition (Call for Designs)

Section 33 of the Professional Chemistry Act (R.A. No. 10657) stipulates that: “Each registered chemist shall, upon registration, obtain a seal as prescribed by the Board with the label “Registered Chemist” bearing the registrant’s name and registration number. All official documents or reports that require the certification or signature of the registered chemist shall be stamped with the latter’s personal seal.”

The PRC Board of Chemistry, in cooperation with the Integrated Chemists of the Philippines, is pleased to announce Design The Chemists’ Seal!, a competition for the design of the official seal for the Registered Chemist professional.

The guidelines for this contest are as follows:

  1. This contest is open to all Registered Chemists. Each entry should be submitted using the attached entry form.
  2. The entry should include a brief description (maximum of 50 words) of the seal and how it reflects the practice of Chemistry as embodied in the Professional Chemistry Act.
  3. The submitted entry should be in black & white, about 6” x 6” in size, but should be appropriate for the actual seal which will only be about 1” x 1” in size. The entry should include a soft copy in .bmp format.
  4. Attach the entry form and your design entry to an email addressed to
  5. All entries should include a signed statement that the seal is an original work and does not infringe any copyright or intellectual property.
  6. All submitted entries will become property of the Board of Chemistry.
  7. The deadline for submission of entries is on April 1, 2016.
  8. The announcement of the winner will be made during the 31st Philippine Chemistry Congress.

The ICP will give a cash prize of P10,000 to the winning entry, a round-trip ticket to attend the 31PCC, and one night accommodation.